Brother O
Brother O’s Autobiography
Omar Armon Gadling aka “Brother O” was born and raised in East Chicago, Indiana on March 9, 1975. He is the living epitome of a living miracle, survivor, and a true example that great challenges can be overcome and conquered to achieve greatness. Brother O is currently a member of P.O.E.T. (People of Extraordinary Talent) and his trademark introduction “Brother O is most definitely in the building” has become the most popular catchphrase on the Chicago poetry scene today. He specializes in inspirational, testimonial, love, and social conscious poetry. Brother O is that rare poet who can take his life experiences and translate them into classic masterpieces. This brother’s testimonial poem “They Said I Wouldn’t” has literally touched thousands of lives across the country. Brother O has performed in 12 shows, gone on tour in Wisconsin and Michigan, played an instrumental part in P.O.E.T. starting a chapter in his home state of Indiana, gained national recognition by being a regular performer on Inspirational Xpressions and Voices Behind The Pen on the P.O.E.T. Radio Network, featured on the highly rated Pansophy Project with Niki Gee, and performed at numerous community events and fundraisers. Brother O’s crowning achievement came on December 12, 2012 when he reached his ultimate goal of becoming a published author with his debut book “The P.O.E.T. Anthology volume 1: “Closed Mics Never Get Fed” and once again with The P.O.E.T. Anthology volume 2: A.C.T.I.O.N.S. Speak Louder Than Words” on April 20, 2013 while recovering from open heart surgery. Very soon, he will become a 3 time author with the release of the P.O.E.T. Anthology volume III. Inspired by his high school classmate and fellow poet Elena Love, Brother O made his official debut on the poetry scene in 2008 to begin his spoken word ministry. God called this extraordinary brother to encourage, inspire, and uplift his people through sharing his testimony through poetry. Brother O’s motto is “I can show you better that I can tell you.” Simply put, let your good works and deeds speak for you.
Contact info:
Facebook Page: Omar Brothero Gadling
Email address: brothero1975@yahoo.com
Phone number for booking: (219)-433-4503